Mentality wins ‘This Can Happen’ award

Jump to 3:41 to skip the intro and see Peter’s category.

We’re thrilled to announce Mentality just won the Product Impact Award at the This Can Happen 2021 awards.

The judges noted that the product was:

“Flexible, easy-to-use, and demonstrated users can receive education and tools that are transferable between work and home.”

In a statement given during the online live ceremony, Peter said:

“I’m thrilled to accept this Product Impact Award for Mentality. Positive mental health in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility and I’m honoured the judges have recognised the impact that Mentality is having on the entire workforce — through increased accountability between colleagues, improved engagement with Mental Health First Aiders and Mental Health Advocates — all helping to promote positive mental health and reduce the stigma.”

Mentality is an 1-hour mental health video course by Peter Larkum (award-winning mental health instructor) giving anyone the need-to-know essentials to spot the signs of poor mental health and take action.

For your organisation…
Email if you would like to enquire about Mentality at scale.

For personal use…
Goto to sign up.


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