3 steps to move in a healthy direction this year

The unexamined life is not worth living, so said Socrates. And it’s the perfect time of year to gain those important realisations that help us move forwards.

So, here are my 3 steps to move in a healthy direction…

  1. Look back: how far have you come since this time last year?

  2. Look forwards: where could you be one year from today?

  3. What it takes to take action in the direction you want to go (and six mental health services that could help you and your team move forwards)

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement for the work I deliver. I say this every time — but it’s my mission. Let’s change the culture of mental health in the workplace.

Let’s do it together.


Step 1. Look back at 2023

How far have you come since this time last year?

At the macro level, the UK saw staff turnover increase last year. There was a trend of new hires quitting within their 6 month probation period. Most knowledge workers loved hybrid-working and can’t go back — but it’s come at the cost of being more isolated than ever.

My 2023 focus was identifying and challenging ‘toxic-working culture’

  • Stop the bad stuff (burnout, overwork, favouritism)

  • Incentivise the good (responsibility, rest, communication)

Because stress, pressurised demands, dysfunctional communication, power games, gossip, mismanaged talent, poor training… it all adds up.

(And I used that culture conversation to create two new courses… The Managers Course to help managers change their work culture and ‘Becoming Culturepreneurs’ to help Senior Executives change their work culture. Details below. Yes, culture is a leadership problem!)

Ask yourself — in the last year, have you moved forwards or back with your mental health?

There are no mistakes if you learnt lessons.

Step 2. Look forward to 2024

One year from today, where do you want to be?

Usually we have a good idea — healthier, wealthier, more confident — but how do we get there?

If we do the same things as before, we’ll arrive at the same destination. But we can guarantee forward momentum if we join up with those who are headed in the same direction.

So, our Mind Shift Forum focus for 2024 is networking — we want to accelerate our influence.

It’s funny we talk so much about “connections.”

The most influential people in the room have friends, not connections.

Yet how many of us feel less and less connected with what friends we do have? I want to take the lessons of mental health and apply them to networking. The result?

Influence for good.

If you want to step up your influence this year, come join Mind Shift Forum (free) where it’s all we’ll be talking about.

Are you ‘looking forward’ to this year?

Step 3. Take action in the direction you want to go ➜ ➜ ➜

It’s very hard to steer a ship that isn’t moving.

So, if you know are clear on where you want to go, it’s to get started. Spend less time thinking about it and more time getting started.

  1. Do you know the next step? Great. Take action.

  2. Do you still feel a bit stuck? Great. Pay for relevant training or coaching… then take action.

Either way, if you know the direction — it’s time to move forwards.

And since there is no long-term productivity without good mental health, here are my six different services to help accelerate you and your team forwards.

Plus WHY they matter and WHO are they are for…

Six mental health services to move you and your team forwards

“Peter created fantastic environment where all were free to share. Fantastic anecdotes, full of knowledge not in the handbook.” — Staff at Allianz


#1: Every single staff member needs basic mental health training (1 hour)

Large-scale company-wide initiatives are the most cost-effective return-on-investments you can make for your company. Everyone needs basic mental health training. This award-winning 1 hour online course gives everyone a base knowledge of mental health — at scale.


#2: 1 in 10 staff need advanced mental health training (2 days)

Train key staff as mental health ambassadors who can identify, understand and help people who need it. Running in London, Winchester, and online.


#3: All managers need mental health frameworks for today (half day)

The post-pandemic workplace has changed. This half-day course provides skills and frameworks for managers to build a positive and preventative mental health culture for today’s workplace. Available in-person in London and Winchester.


#4: Every executive needs to embed a culture of wellbeing in their business strategy (6 sessions)

Becoming Culturepreneurs is launching March 2024 for executives and directors —  6 deep-learning live sessions split over 4 months to help you create a tangible cultural shift at your company. Additional 1-to-1 sessions run in tandem with industry specialists.


#5: Get your team engaged, energised, and talking (90 minutes)

Every team faces interpersonal challenges, stress, and blocks in communication. I can help inspire and connect your team through a range of different topics and get people talking!


#6: Grow your influence for good this year (1 monthly email)

The best connections energise us. They help us get ahead, feel less alone, overcome limited thinking, and open new opportunities. Our network can become our net worth… so let’s build together.

Got a question? — Send me an email to hello@peterlarkum.com


Networking Strength Quiz results


Watch: The post-Covid working environment