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Mental Health First Aid courses

Online / In-person

Public Speaking

Online / In-person

The Managers Course


Mental ill health costs UK employers an estimated: £45 billion each year.

That's £45,000,000,000. A lot of zeros. Broken down…

  • £7 billion in sickness absence.

  • £27 billion in reduced productivity.

  • £9 billion in replacing staff who leave their jobs for mental health-related reasons.

That's roughly £1,650 per person per year.
This is where we can help.

Investing in mental health in the workplace gets an average return of £5 for every £1 spent.

Source: ‘Mental Health and Employers: Refreshing the case for investment’, DELOITTE (January 2020, pg. 9)


Hi, I’m Peter Larkum.

I’m an award-winning Mental Health First Aid Instructor (for ‘Excellence in Training’), specialising in corporate mental health strategy and training.

I have over 20 years experience in helping support people in companies like the BBC, Cisco, Oxfam, Royal Mail, British Gas, and HSBC.

I'm here to help you…

  • manage wellbeing proactively

  • reduce mental ill health at work and life

Each course will teach you to…

1. identify
spot the symptoms

2. help

3. guide
towards support

You will learn how to listen, reassure and respond… even in a crisis. And potentially stop a crisis from happening.